Wednesday 29 April 2020

some days...

*Perhaps I really should have said...'No matter how hard I try...'

acapella of rain...

visual echo...???

beyond darkness...

beyond darkness  
night wings seek magnetic 
light vibrations

Last night, I found this white moth on the carpet in my lounge-room...
I have not seen a moth quite so white
nor one with fringed wings quite like this one...
There seemed to be some kind of overlay, or extra wing either side of the moth's body...
I kept checking to see if it would fly...
But it didn't...
I didn't want to force it to fly...
Better to let it be...

The moth was still there when I went to bed last night...

I took this one photo...

This morning,
it was gone...

the day travelled smoothly...


the day travelled smoothly
till this afternoon

you helped
you encouraged
and many thanks flowed your way
till this afternoon

and then you let a burst of words and questions hurt you
from someone who just did not understand

let it go
it lasted moments
not hours
let it go

hang on to the 
of your own colours

and remember

most of the day
travelled smoothly

early morning skies...

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