Monday 28 December 2020

leading into 2021...

pigeon sign...

Bella and Jock...

passing visitor...

bees sleeping flowers...

play-acting in fun...

this year of the plague lands...

hair sculpture...

Pompeii unveils more secrets...

Archaeologists in Pompeii, the city buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 AD, make the extraordinary discovery of a frescoed hot food and drinks shop that served up the ancient equivalent of street food to Roman passersby. 
Traces of nearly 2,000-year-old food were found in some of the deep terra cotta jars containing hot food which the shopkeeper lowered into a counter with circular holes.
This antique hot-food eatery is known as a thermopolium.

Russell Falls...

reality of art...

Wycliffe Well...

kaleidoscope of shadows...

9 degree summer morning...

a little wild gold...

late December...chilled...

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