Saturday 30 May 2020

warka water towers...

The design team is also experimenting with creating a water-efficient vegetable garden at the base of the tower and exploring a 3D mesh fabric specifically designed for fog harvesting.
Structures are easily transportable and assembled without the need for scaffolding or machinery.

how civilisations heal...

And this is how I breathe, survive and heal daily... dreaming and thinking and writing  (repeat)

autumn clutter...

These bright red rosellas love autumn...collecting their own treasures... The rosellas like to enjoy an autumn feast anywhere...the roof...the lawn...the front driveway...

for a moment...

ebbing colours...

Svalbard rules...

global chaos and panic?...

Today, the Twitter timeline seems to be like a scream... the voice of helpless chaos in polarising times... It's almost deafening... True...There is so much not right with the world... But 'not right with the world' is part of our historical profile...It's just that we now have the wonderful media connections to report on it globally...regularly...daily...hourly... Our awareness is at a fever pitch, never known in history...More than ever, we need to centre, focus on our own music...Don't ignore the outside world...That is a dangerous attitude...But 'don't take it personal'...adapt... keep walking... and your music...

in misty tears...

days pour down like honey...

a blessing...

in the still, soft space...

fishing boats...

a small bridge...

fading daylight...

London Bridge?...

remember the depths...

pieces of home...

a long road...

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