Friday 12 June 2020

Australian history slowly emerges...

I do believe that we still have a long long way to go before the 'real' history of Australia emerges...It is far more diverse than mere colonial intrusions...When I first went to Tasmania and saw impressions of early aborigines there, I was shocked...They looked so vastly different from images I saw of early aborigines in a shop in Katoomba... And then, I realised why...Tasmanian aboriginals looked more African...The Roaring Forties perhaps???? So, shock horror, could migration have not begun 'out of Africa' but out of Australasia and back??? For further discussion see HERE

And then there are barely explained artifacts found in Queensland, suggesting other connections...the Romans, the Celts...???? Western Australian and Queensland coastlines have quite a range of mysteries that don't quite fit the current textbooks...

even when darkness gathers...

I have spent my life trying to be there for people, no matter who they are... 

flowing hills...

till thin trees...

in last light...

The image reminds me of the 'Last Post'...of war... sunset on lives lost...but I decided to turn that concept around a little...

in soaking rain...

The black umbrella seems like a blot in this world of melting a darkness that persists...

rain shaping puddles...

There is so much play activity happening when the rain continues to fall on puddles...

songs of sailing...

So love this image... It bursts with the energy of galleon ships braving fevered seas... and music is in the air...

on my rocky headland...

There can be times when I feel very much connected to Emily Dickenson... She tuned to outside landscapes without ever actually being there...except through her own inner landscape...

King Leopold and WA...

the road flows on...

Often, we think the future will have answers for current questions...But I am not so sure...There may be more questions...And the answers we thought relevant today may no longer be so...

buried in fields of blue...

sweeping elegance...

A mystery murder by poison is one of this estate's very dark secrets...

Another mystery - a Robert Campbell was an owner of this estate in the 19th century...Could he be a very distant relative on my mother's side? 

first sea port...

seas fraught with moods...

Trees by the sea in my peninsula world often are twisted into unique shapes... Can it be the salts in the air or the relentless winds that come and go or both?

Trees on the Rye foreshore...


fallen leaves and survival...

Philosophy is not all about fancy dogma. Perhaps the most enigmatic philosophy is bound up in the persistent, apparently simple questions of life...Those questions tease through time...

But then...on further we really need to know the answer to the 'simple' question?...Will the answer be a fixed response or a variable? Indeed, is the question so very simple after all... a kind of wolf in sheep's clothing?...

Or is it enough to just slow down awhile, and let the question itself be the answer to finding inner peace?...

pebble conundrum...

shafts of dawn light...

The sea is ever a changing natural wonder of the many many moods...

where wild chamomile grows...

Footsteps releasing scents of wild chamomile on a walk to an old church seems like a feast of happiness for the senses...


I like to feel I make some sense at least to me... In recent days, I cannot find too much evidence of that sense... But I'll keep searching...

assumptions and life choices...

We never can really build positive relationships unless we are willing to respect others' life choices. Who are we to think that one life choice is automatically superior to another? We need to separate the concept of life choices from the tag 'errors of judgment'. They are not synonymous. And the 'error of judgment' ultimately is only valid to the individual responsible for a thought or action.

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