Saturday 9 May 2020

a day in the life of procrastination...

It's a brave new morning...
Up early...5am...before the weather spins a predicted catastrophic dance...just for fun...

within an hour or so...
post a coffee or two
how quickly the weather gods tell me ...
'No walking...Do not pass 'go'...There is no Mayfair stop...
You have no choice...
Stay inside...

It's a marking day'...

There's shopping to do...I must do...I must eat...'

'OK then...
But go now...
We're gonna get worse...far worse than mere rain and chilled winds'...

(why is it
I always think of
a great tanka or haiku while driving
and by the time I get out of the car
I forget)

time has passed
it is now 3pm

I have been shopping for groceries
fed the furball
photographed the leftovers from the neighbour's chainsaw party yesterday
eaten lunch (for a change)
posted a few Twittery tweets

indulged in a tiny afternoon nap

changed the title of this post from
'weekend bliss?...wherein I have a chat with the weather gods...'
to 'a day in the life of procrastination'...
what's that?
you ask why?

the weather changed

the weather changed
my motivation to do more marking

It's still there
at the back of my mind
maybe... maybe tonight
but early tomorrow morning
is beginning to look like a great idea

I'll be more fresh

less likely to

what's the word I'm looking for?

yes...that's it


Now I'm off to watch 'Hearts and Bones'
I did say I'd definitely watch it sometime or other this weekend...
Now seems like a great time...

P.S. It's now 3:52pm - barely an hour since I posted the sunny report...
And it's raining

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