Saturday 6 June 2020

the yin and yang of an introvert...

I am not a person who is ever comfortable in a crowd... at a supermarket, a mall or even a concert...I choose my times for shopping to avoid crowds and the rare meeting with friends usually involves one other person...My nerves kick in and I work quite feverishly on a string of excuses to escape if I MUST be in a crowd...I even sit in the back row or to the side in staff meetings... Parties have always been a 'no-go' zone for me...Sounds like the typical introvert...

BUT put me in a classroom, and I am someone else... The actor in me kicks in and I revel in a good performance, demonstrating a confident, caring and knowledgable teacher... I don't even mind giving some address to staff... Not a worry...

Why is this? I have no idea...

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